Thursday, July 23, 2009

money making

Care Bear PortraitImage by John Flinchbaugh via Flickr

So, i've found that life based soley on pirating and yarrage is well, one of immence poverty for me. so i've enlisted the help of my on call gypsy hauler to become a gypsy trader. the opperation is starting out small. just to get my feet wet. He learns quick, the money has started rolling in. with the help of a guide put together by prisen. It was published in the eve tribune, over several issues which I had to trash dive to get. as I had tossed them out dismising them in all my yarr i'm a pirate glory. In a few more days the gypsy should have enough skill to shave down alot of the costs of running the trade buisness. but still i wonder, who to target? missioners? Belt ratters? *shudders* miners?
The thought both chills and excites me to the core, If the blind man and I can get the care bears into doing what they do in the same places I do what I do.. kill mail city.
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